Welcome to Day Eleven
Merry Christmas Eve!
I hope you are all ready for
Santa to come tonight.
Today's donators are: Rho, gyiyg, Amanda, Buck, Shaina, and Celia

Adopted: Amaziah, Jotham, Jehoram, Josiah, Athaliah (all adopted)
Personally, I'm obsessed with Rho danes. Ok, all of
Rho's hexies are amazing. These danes have floofy tails
and use all internal textures!

Adopted: Prancer, Blitzen, Dancer, Cupid, Dasher, Vixen, Comet, Donner (all adopted)
Another obsession of mine are Muttlies! So Merry Muttliemas
from all of my new little friends! They will easily fit under
your tree, so take one home for Christmas.

*Build a Custom* (no longer available)
~see Buck for trades if you'd still like one of these~
I'm offering to make customs of my Silent Night Dalis.
All you have to do is pick a star colour (petz pallette #
in the star above each example dali), and an eye colour!
Click on the litter pic to see adult pics

Adopted: Frost, Bell, Tinsel, Wintergreen, Cheer, Candle (all adopted)
A teeny litter of alleys from gyiyg. I have to
wonder if they are alley personalities, since
not all of them seemed very fiesty for pics.

Adopted: Jingle, Joy, Wish, Cheer, Bright, Believe, Angel (all adopted)
A fun litter of border collies from Shaina
that do not require extra breedfiles.
What a great oldschool vibe.

Adopted: Kvatch, Kvoth, Kewpie, Kestral, Kommander, Kat (all adopted)
Speaking of oldschool, more attractive aussies
from Celia! They use the fully mutating OW.
Are you obsessed yet?
By Amanda

By Buck

By Amanda

By Celia

By Buck