Welcome to Day Seven!
So far there have been so many petz!
Have you been helping to adopt them all?
Today's donators are: Celia, lunarlex, nebula, Amanda, Buck, Megan, nalamittenz and gothica.

Audrey ~ Bethany ~ Clark ~ Eddie ~ Ruby Sue ~ Russell
A mini litter of angery alleys hexed by lunarlex!
They may look a little like dust bunnies, but they don't
seem so sweet. They're shown here at age 30.

Adopted: Sparkle, Bianca, Aster, Allegra, Izar, Felix (all adopted)
The Holidali is the result of a joint project
between Megan and Buck, which all started back in Autumn.
Megan hexed a wintery version perfect for the winter weather!
These feature a texture by Celia at Filthy Hippie.

Adopted: Holiday Joy, Tree, Decorations, Christmas Eve (all adopted)
Here are some cute Christmas inspired kitties made by nalamittenz.
They use textures from Alena at Moonflower.

Adopted: Aling, Sing, Bells, Ring (all adopted)
Cute bell themed alley catz bred by nebula.
Bell me which one you want.

Adopted: Isley, Izavel, Ibson, Inna, Irvyn, Io (all adopted)
Another bully litter from Celia.
Some of them were not pleased with
getting their pictures taken.
All names start with "i".
By gothica

By Amanda

By Buck