Welcome to Day Sixteen!
Can you believe we're coming to the end?
If your adoption folders aren't stuffed yet
then please get to work!

Adopted: Vixen, Dancer, Blitzen, Comet, Prancer (all adopted)
Megan hexed the cutest litte reindeer!
All textures are internal, and they are
hexed off the muttlie OW by Naturenut.

Adopted: Holly, Bennette, Eve, Shelf (all adopted)
Some cute foals hexed by Shade on the
Manda Horse V2 base. Eve and Holly come with
external textures. *Please note that clothes
were photoshopped on.

Adopted: Snowdrift, Snowball, Snowplough, Snowbundle, Snowscatter (all adopted)
Is it a snowball? Is it a snowman? No!
It's a Snowblunder! Silverfish hexed an adorable
oshie covered in snow who is ready to play in
the snow scene with you!

Kitchen Lemon ~ Chocolate Lava ~ Creambun ~ Red Letter ~ Dust in the Wind
Feather Duster ~ Red Velvet ~ Boston Cream ~ Chocolate Mousse ~ Lemonello
A simple, cute litter of longhaired lemon and liver dalis!
They have mega floof, and a poofy tail with the original
dali spots and tail markings.

Adopted: Eleora, Hansel, Lucius, Seanna, IHeardYouLikeDusty (all adopted)
A lovely natural litter bred by Bird
with a mix of cali and alley traits
from her catz Jack and Elaine.

Brandy ~ Cheer ~ Christmas Rule ~ Christmas Sweater ~ Christmassy Table*
Cookie Chunk ~ Dressed Up Tree ~ Light Up ~ Play Along ~ Shortbread
An adorable litter of hounds for the Holidays!
A lot of them came out in a lovely cream coat with
dark chocolate chips! Christmassy Table (POTL) and Shortbread
are shortie danes. All have sheepie tails and Dali or Dachie ears.
By Buck

By Buck