Thank you for taking the time to read the rules.
We want to make the advent calendar as fair to everyone
as possible, so there are a few things to cover.
Please take a minute to familiarize yourself with this info.
- You must have an intro thread and 10 posts on the forum to claim a pet.
- You may claim 1 pet per day. Once you claim a pet, you are on adoption cooldown for 24 hrs.
- You must post your adoption form in the appropriate DG thread.
- If you post before your 24 hrs is up, your request will be ignored, but you can delete or repost once your 24hrs is up.
- You may only adopt one hexie per litter, but you can claim multiples from bred litters (still following 24hr rule).
- If a file allows for a custom, consider that your 1 pet claimed for the day.
- Every item or pet has rules per the member who donated them, so please be mindful.
- Do not edit your post for any reason (either double post or delete + repost).
- We are here to have fun and celebrate the holidays, so let's all follow the rules.
**If you have questions, please ask on the forum, by DMing me or another staff member, or on discord**
**If anything is concerning, please reach out to myself or another staff member**